敵の狙い・金鹿の学級 The Enemy's Aim (Golden Deer)
(大広間 昼)
Reception Hall | Daytime
クロード: 今節の課題は、暗殺阻止に忙しい騎士団に代わっての、修道院の警備や見回りだが……
Claude: OK… So our task this moon is to patrol and guard the monastery in support of the knights, who are busy trying to stop an assassination plot.
Here’s the thing. I don’t think the bad guys are really trying to assassinate the archbishop.
Choice1 どういう意味? What do you mean?
クロード: ロナート卿が所持してたとかいう密書、先生は疑わしいと思わなかったのか?
Claude: Come on, Teach. Don’t you think that “secret” note Lord Lonato was carrying around was just a little too obvious?
Choice2 他に狙いがある It’s a destraction.
クロード: ああ。暗殺計画が記された密書……あれが本物だとは思えない。
Claude: Precisely. That "secret" note with the assasination plot on it... There's just no way that was real.
クロード: 重要な密書なんて普通は持ち歩かないだろ。俺たちに見つけさせるために仕組んだんだ。
Claude: People don’t just carry around secret notes. Someone wanted us to find it.
イグナーツ: 暗殺計画に、注意を向けさせるため……?
Ignatz: You really think the assassination plot is just a distraction?
ヒルダ: なるほどー。あり得るかも。だけど、本当の狙いは何なの?
Hilda: Oh, yeah. That makes complete sense. But then… what are they really after?
クロード: それがわかりゃ苦労しないが、怪しむべきは再誕の儀で警備が手薄になる場所、かね?
Claude: If I knew that, I wouldn’t be so worried. Let’s see… It probably involves somewhere that will be empty during the Rite of Rebirth, yeah?
リシテア: 儀式が行われる女神の塔以外は、どこもいつもより手薄になると思いますけど。
Lysithea: Since the ceremony is at the Goddess Tower, it follows that everywhere else at the academy will be severely understaffed.
レオニー: 貴族たちからの寄進で貯め込んだ教団の金が狙いじゃないの?
Leonie: Do you think they’re after the church’s donation money? I hear noble families tend to donate quite generously.
ラファエル: オデは食堂が怪しいと思うな。あそこは美味えもんの宝庫だぞ!
Raphael: My bet’s on the dining hall. It’s a treasure trove of delicious food. Makes me angry just thinking about them getting their grubby hands on it!
ヒルダ: じゃ、みんなで手分けして調べよー!あたしは広間で情報を整理する係ねー。
Hilda: Let’s split up and look around! I’ll keep an eye on the reception hall.
クロード: 待ってるならヒルダは訓練でもしてろよ。敵と戦う可能性は十分あるぞ。
Claude: You should get in some training if you have the time, Hilda. There’s a good chance we’ll have to fight.
ヒルダ: なら、訓練はみんなしなきゃダメでしょ。あたしだけとか、おかしくなーい?
Hilda: Uh! Well, I’m not the only one who needs to train here! It’s not right to single me out like that.
シャミア: 顔を突き合わせて悪巧みか、先生?
Shamir: A secret meeting, Professor?
Oh, we haven’t been introduced. I am Shamir.
クロード: シャミアさんはセイロス騎士団の一員だな。そんで、こっちのよく働く少年が……
Claude: Shamir is one of the Knights of Seiros. And that little go-getter there is―
ツィリル: レアさまの従者で、シャミアさんの弟子の、ツィリルです。
Cyril: I work for Lady Rhea! And I'm Shamir's apprentice! Oh, the name's Cyril.
Choice 1: 従者? You work for Rhea?
ツィリル: レアさまの身の回りのお世話をしてます。
Cyril: Yep. I help Lady Rhea with all kinds of stuff.
Choice 2: 弟子? Shamir's apprentice?
ツィリル: 弓とか剣とか、稽古をつけてもらってます。
Cyril: Yep. She's teaching me about the bow and the sword and all kinds of stuff.
ツィリル: ボクもレアさまを守りたくて……。だから、シャミアさんの弟子
Cyril: I've gotta protect Lady Rhea, so that's why I've gotta learn all I can from Shamir.
シャミア: ツィリルはレアさんが大好きだからな。ま、互いにやれるだけやろう。
Shamir: Cyril adores Rhea. That aside, if you need anything, ask.